Latest News:

Catholic Schools Week 2023

Catholic Schools will take place from Sunday 22 to Sunday 29 January 2023 on the theme of the process of synodality, with three features of synodality being identified as helpful to exploring ‘Walking Together in Faith & Love’: • Communion • Participation • Mission   Resources available here.

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E-Síol Christmas 2022

We hope you enjoy reading stories from our schools in the Edmund Rice network that illustrate the range of activities that form parts of the education available in our schools. Happy Christmas to all of you and best wishes in 2023.

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E-Síol Autumn 2022

Welcome to the latest edition of E-Síol, published in November 2022. Our schools are extremely busy places and we are very grateful to teachers and schools for providing such a huge menu of co-curricular and extra-curricular activities which provide the holistic education that typifies the Edmund Rice school.

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ERI Enrichment Zoom – October 26th

Join the EREBB community in conversation and exploration of the history and content of the adoption of the Right to Education as a core foundational principle for human rights. Wed 26 October 10.00am ERI Enrichment Zoom – October 26th.   Theme: The Right to a Quality Education (SDG 4) Keynote Speaker: Br. Donal Leader cfc… Read more »

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    The photograph shows, from left: Dr. Wayne Tinsey (Global Ambassador), Jóse María del Corral (Scholas), Dr. Cristiana Ritchie-Bonomo (USA), Gerry Bennett (Ireland), Pope Francis, Albert Gomez (Africa), Brian Garrone (Australia),  Alberto Olivero (Argentina).   Gerry Bennett, the Chief Executive of the Edmund Rice Schools Trust in Ireland and Chairperson of the Edmund Rice… Read more »

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Edmund Rice Student Leadership Programme

Last year our new Edmund Rice Student Leadership Programme was very successful and we hope more of our schools will take up the invitation this year. This programme is aimed at senior students ( TY, 5th , 6th year) and may be delivered as a separate course or as part of Senior RE programme. It can also be… Read more »

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Principals’ Conference 2022

Conference Theme “The Edmund Rice school is a place of hope, happiness and courage.” Keynote Address by Dr. Wayne Tinsey, ERI Ambassador   Stories from Our Schools Bríd Lysaght, principal in Nagle Rice College, Doneraile, Cork Andrea Murphy, principal in Charleville CBS, Cork Edward Kennedy, principal in Mt Sion Secondary School, Waterford Conor Doyle, principal… Read more »

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Edmund Rice Ethos Live- Munster

Join #EREBB‘s Global Ambassador Dr Wayne Tinsey next week at one of our meetings for Deputy Principals,Religion Teachers and AEN Coordinators. and Biodiversity Leaders 

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Happy Summer

We wish all our teachers, students and their families the very best for the summer.

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