Leading the Edmund Rice School 2023

LER2023Welcome to our 5-night course on leading an Edmund Rice school, at primary or secondary level. The course is suitable for those who are preparing for roles as Assistant Principals, Deputy Principals or Principals.

Each night of the course comprises three elements:

  1. Theory and practice
  2. Charter elements
  3. Competency interviews


Course Outline




Module Charter Element Interview Competency
Night 1 Leadership/ Management/Motivation Inspiring Transformational Leadership Self Awareness and Self Management
Night 2 Managing the School Year Promoting Partnership Management & Administration  including Managing the Organisation
Night 3 Leading Learning Excellence in Teaching and Learning Strategic Management including school development
Promotion of a holistic development culture including Leading Teaching and Learning
Night 4 Promoting a Caring School Creating a Caring School Community Interpersonal Relationships including Developing Leadership Capacity
Night 5 Leading  School Ethos Nurturing Faith and Gospel based Values Leadership in a Faith school


The course will be offered on Zoom and the same link will be used for all five sessions.

General Resources

The links below will bring you to helpful resources for this course and for your preparation for leadership roles.

  1. ERST Charter
  2. A Manual for Boards of Management for Catholic Secondary Schools (JMB)
  3. Governance Manual for Primary Schools 2023-2027
  4. Looking At Our School 2022_Primary
  5. Looking At Our School 2022_Secondary
  6. School Self-Evaluation 2022-2026 Next Steps
  7. Application-Form-Assistant-Principal-I-English
  8. Application-Form-for-Primary-Principalship-and-Deputy-Principalship-Open.._
  9. ER Primary Galway_School Profile copy
  10. ERST Application Form P or DP_ERSS Galway (Secondary)
  11. ERSS Galway_School Profile (Read before completing the application for ERSS Galway)



Night 1

  1. Slides for Session 1
  2. Biesta-Purpose-of-Education
  4. The four i’s of Transformational Leadership
  5. Covey 7 Habits of …
  6. Sample Answers Q 5.6
  7. Quality Leadership Quality Learning (Michael Fullan. Prepared for the IPPN)
  8. Responsible Leadership (Robert J Starratt)
  9. Sustainable Leadership and Development in Education (Andy Hargreaves)



Night 2

  1. Slides for Session 2
  2. Education (Admissions to School) Act 2018
  3. Circular 0075/2022
  4. GDPR for Education – What You need to Know
  5. GDPR for Schools
  6. Child Protection Procedures in Schools
  7. A Guide to Child Protection and Safeguarding Inspections in Schools
  8. Checklist for Review of Child Safeguarding Statement
  9. School Self-Evaluation: Next Steps 2022-2026
  10. Mandatory Policies in Primary Schools (IPPN)
  11. Mandatory Policies in Post-Primary_appendix to SSE Report
  12. Mandatory Policies in Post-Primary Schools (PDST)
  13. POD _Reference Manual
  14. P-POD_ Reference Manual
  16. Sample Answer to Q 5.4 – Management & Administration, including managing the organisation



Session 3

  1. Slides for Session 3
  2. leading_and_managing_rethinking_the_relationship_john_west_burnham
  3. How-do-School-Leaders-Successfully-Lead-Learning
  4.  Irish-Primary-School-Leadership-During-COVID-19-Principals-Study-2020-Report
  5. Leadership for Personalising Learning
  6.  CSL Ireland – Learning to be a school leader
  7.  Challenges of Distributed Leadership in Irish Post-Primary Schools
  8.  21Nov_IrishTeachersJournal2017
  10. Q 5.2 Promotion of a Holistic Development Culture including Leading Learning and Teaching
  11.  Q 5.5 Strategic Management including Leading School Development



Session 4

  1. Slides for Session 4
  2. Laudato Sí Unity Project
  3. The Way to a caring School Environment Dr Tony Humphreys
  4. Safe Classrooms – Tyler Clementi Foundation
  5. Sexual Orientation & Gender Identity in an Edmund Rice School – Framework document
  6. A Guide to Child Protection & Safeguarding Inspections
  7. Child Protection Procedures for Primary & Post-Primary Schools (Revised 2023) and all associated documents/templates
  8. Student Wellbeing Guidelines 2021
  9. 5.3 Interpersonal Relationships including Developing Leadership Capacity
  10. Anti-Bullying Guidelines for Primary and Post-Primary Schools (2013)
  11. DE material on anti-bullying in schools



Session 5

  1. Slides for Night 5
  2. Being Catholic in Contemporary Ireland – extract from Genesis Report by APTCS
  3. A-Brief-Description-of-the-Irish-Education-System
  4. Forum of Patronage & Pluralism in the Primary School
  5. Catholic Education at Second Level
  7. A Guide to Patronage and Trusteeship in Catholic Schools in Ireland
  8. History and Structure of Irish Education System– from Teaching Council. Contains links to relevant material.
  9. Stanley Letter
  10. Thomas Walshe – Irish Education from 1831 to 2000
  11. Sample Answer_Leadership in a Faith School