DP Conference 2024

Deputy Principals’ Conference 2024

Programme DP Conference 2024

Presentations at DP Conference 2024


Our colleagues, Peter and Donal, have very kindly shared their work with us. A lot of work has gone into preparing the presentations. Their work should not be sent beyond our network of deputies.


The presentation slides by Deirdre (NCSE) and Brighid (Oide) may be shared, as you wish. However, the SET Handbook for Teachers is Deirdre’s own work. Therefore, please confine its circulation to our DP network.


Material relating to WSE may also be shared, as you wish.



Supporting the Anxious Adolescent – Peter Hyde, DP in ERC Carrigaline


Organising SET & SNAs in Your School – Deirdre Bourke, NCSE


SET Handbook for Teachers

SPHE: Organisation and Supports – Brighid Hennessy, Oide


Growing Leadership Capacity – Donal O’Mahony, DP in CBC Cork


Preparing for WSE – Gerry Berry & Billy Lynch ERST
